Qatar Charity supports the Sudanese health sector

Qatar Charity supports the Sudanese health sector with intravenous solutions.


Within the framework of Qatar Charity's continued support for the health sector in Sudan, Qatar Charity delivered shipments of intravenous solutions to the health and humanitarian authorities in the states of Al-Jazeera and Gedaref in Sudan to help confront dengue fever and diarrhea in the two states.

The humanitarian and health authorities in the two states expressed their great appreciation for Qatar Charity’s intervention by providing 11,200 intravenous solutions. This comes at a time when the need for such health interventions is great to alleviate the suffering of patients.

Difficult conditions

Abdul Kafeel Abdullah, Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid in Gedaref State, said: “Qatar Charity’s intervention came under difficult and harsh circumstances in which we suffer from a scarcity of these medicines and citizens suffer from many diseases such as dengue fever and diarrhea that have swept the state.”

He expressed his happiness with Qatar Charity's intervention in these moments, which he described as critical due to the lack of these medicines.

The Humanitarian Aid Commissioner thanked Qatar Charity after the competent authorities in Gedaref received (4,200) intravenous solutions.

He pointed out that there are (350,000) displaced people in Gedaref State because of the war in Khartoum, distributed among more than (60) shelter centers, who are living in difficult conditions.

For her part, Dr. Sarah Youssef, Director of Free Treatment at the Ministry of Health in Jazira State, expressed her appreciation for Qatar Charity’s great support for Jazira State in the health field and said that their provision of (7,000) intravenous solutions to the state came at the right time as it coincided with the beginning of the spread of diarrhea.

  Qatar Charity’s support with intravenous fluids for the states of Al-Jazeera and Gedaref comes as a continuation of Qatar Charity’s ongoing humanitarian efforts since the beginning of its work in Sudan nearly three decades ago.

 A package of health projects was implemented for the displaced and those affected by the war in several states, especially for cancer and kidney failure patients in Sudan.

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