QFFD’s delegation visits Qatar Charity

QFFD’s delegation visits Qatar Charity Comprehensive Health Center in Zaatari Refugee Camp


As part of field visits to projects funded by the Qatar Fund for Development (QFFD) in Jordan, a delegation from QFFD, led by Sheikha Mthayel Al Thani, a researcher in humanitarian aid, visited the Qatar Charity Comprehensive Health Center in the Zaatari Refugee Camp.

Sheikha Mathayel expressed her admiration for the center's workflow system and the effective delivery of services to beneficiaries. She also commended the diversity of available services and their ongoing improvement within the center.

Mr. Saleh Al-Marri, General Supervisor of Qatar Charity’s office in Jordan, stated, "In affirmation of the humanitarian initiatives presented by the State of Qatar, and with the support of the QFFD, Qatar Charity has rehabilitated and established the largest health project in the Zaatari Camp in the Mafraq Governorate, Jordan, in 2023."

Al-Marri added that the Qatar Charity Comprehensive Health Center is the largest health facility within the Zaatari Camp, with 12 specialized clinics, serving 49,000 refugees residing in the camp.

It's worth mentioning that Qatar Charity established the Comprehensive Health Center in the Zaatari Refugee Camp in Jordan in 2023 to Provide Medical Services to Syrian refugees. The center works on improving access to primary healthcare services in several specialties, including ophthalmology, orthopedic surgery, cardiology, dentistry, internal medicine, and obstetrics and gynecology, in addition to providing vaccination services for children.

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