Qatar Charity judges stories of ‘Future’s

Qatar Charity judges stories of ‘Future’s Writers-6’

5/15/2023 | Media Center

The judging panel for the sixth edition of Qatar Charity’s ‘Future’s Writers’ program concluded the face-to-face interview with the male and female students participating in the competition. The judges have selected the winning works in preparation for announcing the names of three winners from various educational phases. The winners will be honored in a closing ceremony, which will be held on May 23, 2023.

The judging panel comprised experts and specialists from the Ministry of Education and Higher Education and the Qatari Forum for Authors, professors from Qatar University, children's writers, and those interested in education and children's literature. The works were evaluated based on different criteria such as the creative idea of the story, events, plot, characters, language, and writing style.  

A member of the judging panel, Ahmed Abdul Rahman Al-Muftah, a writer, said that following the evaluation of the written works of the participants, the writers of the stories are interviewed to complete this stage accurately and know the impact their stories left on them.

Seeta Al-Athba, Acting Department Head of Arabic Language, Qatar University, said that the face-to-face interview with the participating students gives a deeper understanding on a writer and his thought, noting that she is very proud of the creativity of the participants.

It is worth mentioning that the sixth edition of the ‘Future’s Writer’s program was implemented in partnership and cooperation with all the Ministry of Education and Higher Education, the Ministry of Culture, the Qatari Forum for Authors, and Qatar University under the patronage of Dukhan Bank.

The students who qualified for the second phase of the program received training workshops to hone their talent and develop their story writing skills so that they can write their own stories according to the well-known technical rules.