Qatari philanthropic contributions support

Qatari philanthropic contributions support Sudan’s affected orphanages


Qatar Charity (QC), with the support of the benevolent people in Qatar, implemented a qualitative humanitarian project to support hundreds of orphans and those deprived of support, who were relocated from Khartoum to Wad Madani due to the fighting.

Qatar Charity successfully carried out its project to save the lives of children at the Mygoma Orphanage for two months. This was achieved by securing both food and non-food items and providing medicines and essentials for them, in addition to paying incentives to the mothers and the medical and administrative staff working at the orphanage.

Dr. Rahab Al-Zain, the Director of Primary Healthcare at the Ministry of Health, stated that Qatar Charity played a crucial role in saving the lives of children during a very critical period after the cessation of support from other bodies. She mentioned that Qatar Charity's intervention came at the perfect time. Dr. Al-Zain expressed the gratitude and appreciation of the Ministry of Health in al-Jazirah state to Qatar Charity and the benevolent people of Qatar for this significant humanitarian support.

Qatar Charity committed to providing the urgently needed support to save the lives of the children. This support included both food and non-food items (personal hygiene items and clothing for children and mothers), in addition to healthcare support and providing essential medicines for the pharmacy. It also comprised the payment of incentives to healthcare staff and the staff working in the field of social care at the orphanage. Furthermore, it contained entertainment kits and toys as well as generator fuel and necessary maintenance in light of the power outages in the city.

Zainab Abu Jouda, director of the Mygoma orphanage, praised Qatar Charity for its significant support in running the orphanage for two months. She stated, “Qatar Charity took the initiative after we were concerned about the fate of the children in the orphanage.” She further explained that the impact of Qatar Charity's interventions was very significant."

Hawwa Jibril, a mother who has been working at the orphanage for 28 years, said, “We have suffered a lot after the war, bombings, water and electricity cuts, and the shortage of working mothers at the orphanage, where the intensity of the conflict prevented many mothers from coming out of fear of death. She pointed out that Qatar Charity's support with incentives was crucial to help the working staff continue providing services with the required quality.

It is worth mentioning that the suffering of these children was renewed once again as the war's impact extended in Sudan, forcing them to move from Khartoum to Wad Madani.

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