Qatar Charity Implements 46 income- generating

Qatar Charity Implements 46 income- generating projects in Sudan



To promoting its developmental and humanitarian role in the global areas of intervention, QC implemented 46 income-generating projects in Sudan in favor of more than 322 people during the last months of 2016.

The projects included providing trucks, grain mills and taxis "Rakshah", distributing sewing machines to housewives and implementing poultry and livestock- breeding projects. QC hopes that these projects would bring revenues to enable people to live a decent life.

More than 322 individuals benefited from these projects that amounted to a quarter of a million Qatari Riyals.  They were carried out in Khartoum State, Northern State and South Kordofan.

Mr. Hussein Kermash, the Director of QC Office in Sudan said, "The income-generating projects are important as they alleviate the suffering of the poor and low-income people under the conditions of lack of employment. In addition, they encourage these groups to be self-reliant through providing a decent work with constant income."

He assured that QC office in Sudan carried out a feasibility study to ensure the benefit of these projects. The feasibility study revealed that these projects are useful and income generating, and they will improve the living conditions of hundreds of individuals and families. Therefore, QC office in the Sudan have funded them immediately.

Mr. Kermash extended his sincere thanks to the people of Qatar and the residents in Qatar for their ongoing support and donations in favor of the different projects implemented in the Sudan.  These projects increase the individuals' productivity and integrate them into the economic life, so that they become productive people who can support the country's economic growth and sustain their families as well.


You can donate to support such projects through the link: Click here

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QC Supports Agricultural Coope

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Charity Societies in Qatar Bui

20,000 people from 19 villages in Sudan will benefit from the water plant which is being built at a cost of 3,000,000 QR. The lab tests showed that the groundwater used in Saqadi can cause cancer which is why the water plant was important to stop the spread of diseases. During the inspection visit, it was announced that the water plant will operate in two weeks. QC has announced that the water plant it is supervising in Nile River state in Sudan will be ready this month. 20,000 people from 19 villages will benefit from it. The project was funded by Qatar Red Crescent, Islamic Dawah Organization and QC who worked together as partners and paid an equal share for the implementation. The project was implemented at a cost of 3,000,000 QR. QC was responsible for supervising the work progress through its office in Khartoum. Inspection Visit A delegation from QC; headed by Mr. Youssef bin Ahmed Al Kuwari, QC’s CEO; paid an inspection visit to Saqadi region in Nile River State where the plant is being built. Mr. Kuwari was accompanied by Mr. Mohammed Hamed Al Billa, River Nile State Wali, and Mr. Rashid bin Abdul Rahman Al Nuaimi, Qatar Ambassador in Sudan. During the visit, Engineer Al Hadi Adam, Director of Kanana Company, spoke about the work progress of the project and that the plant will start pumping drinking water in two weeks from the visit. For his part, Mr. Al Nuaimi expressed his happiness that the project was about to be over. “Such developmental projects reinforce the relationships between the Qatari and Sudanese peoples,” said he. In addition, Mr. Al Billa addressed the people living in Saqadi and praised Qatar’s role in relieving those in need, sponsoring orphans, and implementing projects in Sudan. “This water project,” he said, “provides clean drinking water. We thank Qatar’s prince, government, people, and charity organizations who helped build this plant.” Reasons for the Project The reason for this project is to contribute to providing drinking water from the Nile River to limit the spread of diseases resulting from drinking polluted water. The lab results have shown that the groundwater the people of Saqadi used to drink from is greatly troubled and has Zink which causes cancer. The project aims at providing drinking water to 20,000 people by constructing a water plant on the River Nile with water intake, intake pumps and a transporting line to deliver the raw water from the intake to the plant. There is also a main line to transport the water from the plant to 19 villages The plant has a capacity of 2,000 m3 with a settling basin that has a capacity of 250 m3 and a water tank that has the capacity of 100 m3 and a height of 12 m. The plant also includes a laboratory to test the water, a store for chlorination materials and buildings for the operation and security crews. Memorandum of Understanding In order to make sure the plant is entirely built and that it will continue to work, QC; representing itself, Qatar Red Crescent and Islamic Dawah Organization; signed a memorandum of understanding with Drinking Water and Sanitation department at the Ministry of Water and Power and River Nile Administration. According to the memorandum, Drinking Water and Sanitation Department pledged to conduct the studies, design the projects, provide a supervising engineer, to issue exemption from customs duties and project imports value added tax, and to provide the targeted villages with water tanks. As for River Nile Administration, it pledged to build a water network from the Nile River to the water plant, to build a water network from the main water plant to the targeted villages of the project, to operate the plant after the experimental operation stage, to provide the necessary technical staff and to send periodic work progress reports to the two parties.   You can donate to support such projects through the link: Click here


QC Establishes 3 Water Plants

The project provides clean drinking water for 24,000 people from several villages near the River Nile.   Al Kuwairi: QC's main goals for establishing water plants are to improve the public health of poor communities and to control diseases resulting from polluted water. Al Fadni: The expertise of QC and Islamic Dawa Organization in the field of water will be made use of in other African countries.   QC and Islamic Dawa Organization signed an agreement as part of their joint strategic projects in the field of water. Their agreement is to establish 3 water plants in Sudan for the benefit of 24,000 people. At QC's headquarters in Doha, Youssef bin Ahmed Al Kuwairi, QC's CEO; and Mr. Hammad Abdulqader Al Fadni, General Director of Islamic Dawa Organization – QC Office, signed the agreement in the presence of Mr. Mohammed bin Ali Al Ghamdi, CEO for International Development and Mr. Ahmed Al Ameen Al Fadni, Director of Public Relations at Islamic Dawa Organization.   Main Network QC and Islamic Dawa signed this agreement because of their desire to join forces so as to solve issues related to water pollution in the targeted areas of Sudan. They also want to invest their expertise in the field of water. They are funding the water project in Hasaya Ad-damir, Al Makabrab, Al Aqida, El Kitayab, Banqa, Om Turifi in River Nile Wilaya. The project will provide these places with clean drinking water at a cost of 4,000,000 QR; each party will pay half of the total cost (i.e. 2,000,000 QR). QC has to implement the project and offer services to the affected people according to the specifications assigned in the project's agreement. Around 24,000 villagers who suffer from the shortage in drinking water will benefit from the project. Around 2,400 m3 of the River Nile water will be withdrawn every day, treated, purified and then distributed through the main network to the villages. The implementation of the project begins this April after the funding procedures are over. The work will last for 9 months until it is entirely done.   Signing a Joint Agreement On the sideline of signing the agreement, Mr. Al Kuwairi expressed his gratitude to Islamic Dawa Organization for choosing QC as a main partner to implement this kind of projects. "This reflects how much Islamic Dawa trusts QC, and is a sign for continuous cooperation and development. QC's main goals for establishing water plants are to improve the public health of poor communities and to control diseases resulting from polluted water. QC also aims at enabling poor communities to manage water plants projects. Using environmentally friendly and easily maintained technologies in water plants projects reinforces their sustainability," said he. Al Kuwairi stressed on the fact that the success of their previous water project was a key motive in joining again for the implementation of other cooperation projects in Sudan and other countries. For his part, Mr. Hammad Abdulqader expressed his happiness for signing an agreement which seeks establishing 3 new water plants in Sudan. "Islamic Dawa Organization and QC consider providing clean drinking water one of the most important sectors in our field of work. The expertise of QC and Islamic Dawa Organization in the field of water will be made use of in other African countries. This is the best way we could serve the African people." Mr. Al Fadni pointed to the fact that water treatment projects are considered very important, for they help provide communities with clean drinking water clear from solid, organic and bacterial pollutants. Drinking polluted water can cause severe health issues for humans and animals.   Saqadi Village Water Plant It is worth mentioning that QC had already established a water plant in Saqadi, Ad-Damir in Sudan, in partnership with Qatar Red Crescent and Islamic Dawa Orgaization at a cost of more than 3,000,000 QR. 20,000 people benefit directly from this water plant. The plant bumps water from the Nile River at a rate of around 2,000 m3 daily to the plant's tanks. The water is then delivered and distributed through the main network to 17 villages of Saqadi.  


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