Qatar Charity-sponsored orphans shine in

Qatar Charity-sponsored orphans shine in Bangladesh’s SSC exams


Nearly 150 orphaned students sponsored by Qatar Charity (QC) in Bangladesh have achieved distinction marks in the Secondary School Certificate (SSC) examination, thanks to the continuous efforts made by Qatar Charity for the sponsored.  This outstanding achievement has been widely appreciated by parents, teachers, and the local community.

The students proudly celebrated their outstanding results and expressed deep gratitude to the benefactors in Qatar and Qatar Charity. They affirmed their commitment to persistently excel and strive for distinction.

Mohammad Motaleb Hosen, a dedicated student of Sheikh Hamad Orphan Care Center who achieved the highest GPA of 5, said, "Losing my father at an early age was a significant turning point in my life. Since that difficult time, I have received unwavering support from Qatar Charity. Today, I am deeply grateful to Qatar Charity and the generous people of Qatar for their compassionate care for me and other orphans."

Jannat Begum, a student of the Sakha Orphan Care Center, expressed her sincere gratitude to Qatar Charity for creating a supportive learning environment. She stated, "The support we have received has been invaluable, and we hope that the people of Qatar continue to support us, enabling us to achieve our aspirations and lead successful lives."

Parents and teachers also expressed their happiness with their children's outstanding results. Mr. Ahamed Ali, the Head Teacher of Hazi Asmat Ali Orphan Care Center, stated, "We primarily work with orphans, providing them with special care to help them thrive. Our dedicated teachers serve as their guardians, offering the best possible support and education."

Anisa Begum, who is the guardian of a student, expressed her gratitude, stating, "It would have been extremely challenging to provide education for my child without the support of Qatar Charity. We are forever indebted to Qatar Charity and the generous people of Qatar for their invaluable assistance."

Besides, Qatar Charity distributed personal hygiene kits to Sponsored Orphans in Bangladesh to raise awareness about the importance of maintaining good hygiene practices and living in a clean environment. The initiative benefitted 1000 students from different orphan care centers in the country.

During the distribution, Qatar Charity’s teams provided awareness sessions for the children and guardians about the importance of cleanliness and its role in maintaining good health and preventing the spread of diseases.

“We need these hygiene kits regularly to keep ourselves clean, remain healthy, and feel good’’, said student Abdul Alim, thanking Qatar Charity for the continuous support.

It is worth mentioning that Qatar Charity is currently sponsoring 4,668 orphans in Bangladesh and it operates 13 orphanages in various districts of the country.

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