Somali President honors Qatar Charity for

Somali President honors Qatar Charity for educational, humanitarian, and development efforts

2/22/2024 | Media Center

The Federal Republic of Somalia, represented by its President HE Hassan Sheikh Mohamud, awarded a certificate of recognition to Qatar Charity for its support in the fields of education, humanitarian work, and development in Somalia.

This took place during a ceremony held in the Somali capital, Mogadishu on the commencement of the study of the H.E. DR. Hassan Sheikh Mahamud Presidential PhD Scholarship Programme.

This is part of a joint program between the Somali Presidency, Qatar Charity, and the United Nations University for Peace (UPEACE). The event was attended by the Somali President Hassan Sheikh Mahamud, the Minister of EducationCulture, and Higher Education Farah Sheikh Abdulqadir, the Acting Charge d'Affaires of the Qatari Embassy in Somalia Mr. Mohammed Al-Shamari, the director of Qatar Charity’s Somalia Branch Abdulfatah Adam, the UPEACE AFRICA Director Samuel Ewusi, and UPEACE Somalia Program Director Dr. Mohamed Yusuf.  

In his speech, the Somali President commended Qatar Charity’s pioneering role in supporting Somalia’s various vital sectors, especially education through its funding of the presidential PhD scholarship.

He emphasized the importance of this scholarship in developing the capabilities of the national human resources, enriching Somali universities with scientific expertise and research competencies. He noted, “Today is a historic day as we celebrate the commencement of the PhD program funded by Qatar Charity in partnership with UPEACE.

On his part, Mr. Farah Sheikh Abdulqadir, Minister of EducationCulture, and Higher Education, emphasized the importance of education, noting that the university has worked to introduce several new disciplines, such as marine science, maritime security, blue economy, and more. The minister expressed gratitude to Qatar Charity and UPEACE for their support to education in Somalia.

The Economic Advisor to the Somali President, Mr. Mohamed Osman, emphasized the significance of higher education in building a better future for the country. He thanked Qatar Charity for funding this initiative, underscoring the importance of partnerships between the public and private sectors to enhance education.

Mr. Abdulfatah Adam, director of Qatar Charity’s Somalia Branch, stated that Qatar Charity's participation in this scholarship is a great honor. He added that Qatar Charity had previously focused on building primary education and improving its performance, but today it is working on establishing an academic educational base. He emphasized that this scholarship represents a strong partnership between Qatar Charity, the Presidency, and UPEACE, aiming to support a better future for the Somali people.

It is worth mentioning that the scholarship aims to provide financial support to PhD students at UPEACE, enabling them to pursue studies in their specific research areas and contribute to enhancing academic excellence, research, and innovation.