Qatari philanthropists support economic

Qatari philanthropists support economic empowerment of underprivileged women in Pakistan

2/1/2024 | Media Center

Qatar Charity (QC), with the support of philanthropists in Qatar, provided 33 sewing and embroidery machines, along with the essential supplies, for two women tailoring centers in Jhang and Muzaffargarh, both districts in Pakistan’s province of Punjab. This is part of Qatar Charity’s efforts to enhance women’s vocational skills and economically empower them in Pakistan.

Some 19 machines were handed over to the tailoring center in Jhang, while the tailoring center of Muzaffargarh received 14 machines.

The project, implemented in collaboration with local government social care associations in the two districts, aims to create employment opportunities and provide sustainable livelihoods for young women and women-headed families, especially widows and mothers of orphans. The goal is to enhance their income and empower them economically.

These two tailoring centers work on producing a variety of handmade clothing items, bedding, curtains, and children's clothes. This assists the beneficiaries in increasing their income and covering their children education expenses.

The local concerned bodies have praised the project. Mr. Abdullah Khuram Niazi, Deputy Commissioner of the Jhang district, expressed his happiness and gratitude to the benefactors of Qatar and Qatar Charity. He appreciated their contribution to empowering impoverished communities, improving their income, and providing sustainable economic opportunities to uplift the lives of women in need. He emphasized that women, when given opportunities, can play a crucial role in society.

In turn, Mrs. Rehana Kousar, the director of the tailoring center in Jhang, stated, "We had old and limited equipment that was not functioning properly, and the women enrolled in the center were eager to learn vocational skills to enhance their income. I am delighted that women in my area are very enthusiastic, and they regularly come to the center after the implementation of the project by Qatar Charity. We recently organized exhibitions and received numerous orders (for sewing and embroidering clothes) from customers and shopping malls."

The beneficiaries also expressed their satisfaction with the project. Mrs. Shaha Sherin from Jhang said, "As I am a widow and live with six children in a small mud house, I used to stitch the clothes of my neighbors to earn a meager income. The situation worsened after my husband's death, and my income became insufficient for the family's needs and the children education. However, thanks to the interventions of Qatar Charity, I received training and employment, which helped me earn a sufficient income to meet my needs and educate my children. Heartfelt thanks to everyone who assisted us."